
BRACAFE thank our sanitary professionals for their hard work during COVID19 pandemic offering our best coffee to our heros

BRACAFE Thanks to our sanitary professionals for their hard work during COVID19 pandemic sending our best coffee to Hospital Duran i Reynals at Gran Via in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (province of Barcelona) and to Residencia Vila at Av. Joan Borras n.64 in Valldoreix – Sant Cugat del Valles (province of Barcelona) . You are our

BRACAFE thank our sanitary professionals for their hard work during COVID19 pandemic offering our best coffee to our heros Leer más »

Thursday, 16/01/2020, Students of PFI Hoteleria, at Escola Pia Sant Antoni, in Barcelona, have visited Bracafé artisanal roaster factory, at Comte d’Urgell,35 Barcelona, to know the way of producing, roasting, packing and selling the coffee, and solving the doubts about the coffee-shops business. #diaadiaepsa #epiasantantoni #pfiepsa

Thursday, 16/06/2020, Students of PFI Hoteleria, at Escola Pia Sant Antoni, in Barcelona, have visited Bracafé artisanal roaster factory, at Comte d’Urgell,35 Barcelona, to know the way of producing, roasting, packing and selling the coffee, and solving the doubts about the coffee-shops business. #diaadiaepsa #epiasantantoni #pfiepsa

Thursday, 16/01/2020, Students of PFI Hoteleria, at Escola Pia Sant Antoni, in Barcelona, have visited Bracafé artisanal roaster factory, at Comte d’Urgell,35 Barcelona, to know the way of producing, roasting, packing and selling the coffee, and solving the doubts about the coffee-shops business. #diaadiaepsa #epiasantantoni #pfiepsa Leer más »

GERMAN DE ERAUSQUIN, S.A. Junta General de Accionistas , 27 de mayo de 2015

GERMÁN DE ERAUSQUIN, S.A. Se convoca Junta General de Accionistas a celebrar en el domicilio social de la compañía, calle Comte d Urgell, 35, de Barcelona,  el día 27 de mayo de 2015 a las 11:00 horas bajo el siguiente ORDEN DEL DÍA Primero: Ratificación de la constitución de la Junta General de Accionistas, del

GERMAN DE ERAUSQUIN, S.A. Junta General de Accionistas , 27 de mayo de 2015 Leer más »

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